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Political Football

Monday, Oct. 06, 2008 3:54 AM

On CBS' Face the Nation, Rep. Heather Wilson (R-New Mexico) suggested that Barack Obama is unpatriotic, since his speech in Germany included references to errors in American foreign policy.

But, if Wilson's criteria are correct, then why is John McCain trumpeting change and reform? It wouldn't be because there was something wrong, would it?

Someone in the McCain Campaign has decided that Obama's former association - serving on a community board - with William Ayers, a former member of the Weather Underground, constitutes 'palling around with terrorists.'

Ayers was never convicted on any charges, and his activities with the Weather Underground took place while Barack Obama was a child.

On the other hand, John McCain was closely associated with one Charles Keating, who was convicted for the 1990's savings-and-loan debacle, which involved another costly bailout.

Speaking of bailouts, it's not time to whip out the party hats just yet - European banks are also going through some panicked moments as a consequence of our own economic turmoil, and the NYSE dropped 363 points within the first ninety minutes of trading - which takes it below 10,000.

Amid all the fuss over the economy, who's getting what, and who's buying up who, Orenthal James Simpson was convicted on charges of armed robbery and kidnapping. Simpson faces a possible life sentence; he is scheduled to be sentenced in December.

Critics are tossing about charges that the court was out to get Simpson for his not guilty verdict in the murder trial of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.

The other day, I pointed out that the pro-Proposition 8 commercial featuring Professor Richard Peterson identified him as a Pepperdine University Law Professor, in violation of the University's guidelines on political advocacy.

Apparently someone else pointed it out, or the University noticed - because the ad now correctly identifies Peterson as a 'law professor,' without dragging the University into the debate.

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