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Turn, River, & Flop = Hook, Line, Sinker

Monday, Sept. 29, 2008 10:42 AM

After a weekend's wrangling over the 'bailout' proposal, it's clear that the only people getting a soft landing are the fuckups who caused the problem.

The American people are getting a $700 billion price tag stapled to their taxes, and investments in crap.

Nancy Pelosi, in her usual habit of polishing a turd, calls it a 'buy-in.' Well, Nancy, let me tell you what that means. A buy-in is an amount put up for a seat at the card table. You're gambling on the taxpayer's dime. On top of it, you're doing what gambling addicts do - rationalize that this time, it will be different. You've already BOUGHT a load of crap through deregulation and letting the current administration off the hook on just about everything; now, having lost your original stake, you're 'buying in' for a second round.

In other words, the deal is crap. It's still a trillion dollars for which the Bush Administration will not be liable in any way, shape, or form. Secretary Paulson will still have broad, discretionary powers to buy what he wants. Golden parachutes and lavish executive compensation aren't being limited except in specific instances. Oversight is also neatly boxed into a corner where it will be ineffective.

Now, maybe you're betting that ol' Henry bin Paulson can't spend the money inside of three months, and that Things Will Be Different in the Obama Administration.

I think you're banking on the flop card completing your inside straight. If you want to commit financial suicide, do it with your own money.

After telling us that Ms. Bristol Palin is 'off limits' because her situation is intensely personal and private, a family matter not for public scrutiny, it appears that the McCain Campaign thinks she's just the thing to renew the shine on her mother's candidacy.

By having a big wedding back home in Alaska. You know, showing us how great it is that the young girl who got knocked up by her schmuck of a boyfriend is doing the responsible thing, keeping the baby and getting married.

Your mother's bid for the Vice Presidency means more to her than you do, Bristol. She'll pimp you out for a few points in a poll.

Yay, family values.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2008-09-29 21:47:25
If the 700 billion dollar handout was paid back to the government at the rate of a dollar per second, the debt would be repaid in a mere twenty-three thousand years.