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Jump When We Say, 'Boo!'

Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2008 3:56 AM

In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee yesterday, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson said the clause about decisions by him made pursuant to the bailout plan being non-reviewable was 'just a suggestion.'

This is becoming the financial version of the Iraq War. We have those in power insisting that they didn't see this coming, didn't know it was that bad, yet want carte blanche to take care of it, and we have to act now, time's running out, operators are standing by with low, low, pricing! And, if you act in the next fifteen minutes, you'll get not one, not two, but four failed financial instutions for your tax dollars!

Consider also the conventional wisdom regarding the average citizen investing in the stock market. We're told it's difficult, and that there are no guarantees. That we have to be wise and prudent with our investment dollars.

Of course, when those selfsame conservators of wisdom get caught playing fast and loose on the market, suddenly it's our responsibility to bail them out.

A Boot to the Head for CBS News, which has been promoting a series called 'Presidential Questions,' where Katie Couric asks both Obama and McCain hard-hitting questions about key issues.

Like, "What is your favorite movie?"

Couric's interview with Sarah Palin is scheduled to air this evening.

In an interview with the Iraqi press, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki acknowledged that the Bush Administration pushed for a troop withdrawal timeline that would be favorable to political circumstances in the United States.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Dave - 2008-09-24 18:16:10
And in the article at, Barack Obama also asked for a delay in troop withdrawal...even though his party is the get-our-troops-out-now folks. Because it would look so much better if the troops came out of Iraq on the Dem's watch.