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The Blind Leading The Stupid

Monday, Sept. 08, 2008 4:02 AM

A new book by Bob Woodward puts a new spin on how President Bush listens 'to the commanders on the ground' - he doesn't. During the ramp up to the troop surge in 2006, Woodward portrays the Joint Chiefs of Staff - including Marine General Peter Pace and Admiral Michael Mullen - as being ignored in favor of input from the American Enterprise Institute.

Sensible and necessary questions as to the depth of the plan and broader strategic concerns as to what a surge would mean for the military's ability to handle widening conflicts went unanswered.

The University of California at Berkeley has begun cutting down some of the trees at the site of their future athletics complex. As of Sunday evening, 40 of the 42 trees were removed.

But the protesters who have been hanging out in the branches for the past 21 months are still there, despite court rulings that have gone against them. Later today, the campus will end the agreement that has been providing the protesters food and water during their action.

"The clock is ticking," says university spokesman Dan Mogulof.

While Barack Obama has said the recession may delay rescinding President Bush's tax cuts, he nonetheless plans on going ahead with his own.

Russell Brand, the host of MTV's Video Music Awards, pleaded with viewers to elect Barack Obama, and also referred to President Bush as, 'that retarded cowboy fellow.'

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