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Praying For Rain

Thursday, Aug. 28, 2008 3:52 AM

The LPGA has decided to implement an English-only standard, which will, at some point, require members to be tested for English proficiency before they can compete in events.

Because everyone knows how critical good grammar is to a proper swing. Or something like that.

Fercrissakes, we have kids graduating school who can't spell, can't punctuate a sentence, and we're worried about whether professional women golfers can speak English?

With our military committed to two wars and a Secretary of State who, for all her supposed expertise in things Soviet seems to be reduced to finger-waggling and stern admonitions, I'd think we'd want to listen when the Russians tell us our deployment of a missile defense system in Europe will be problematic.

This isn't the first time Russia has voiced their objections, but the Bush mentality of do-whatever-I-want / history-will-prove-me-right is shaping our foreign policy with grave implications.

President Reagan engaged in brinksmanship that ended with Russia becoming a democratic nation. President Bush is provoking a former KGB head and providing a rationale for Russia to resume its role as a political enemy and check on American power.

Apparently, some conservatives are still hoping that it rains on Barack Obama's speech later tonight, as some kind of comment by God as to the validity of the Democratic platform.

Have we really sunk so low in this country as to resort to superstitious thinking? It rains, therefore the sky gods must be displeased with us?

If the universe were really that fair, such that all our transgressions were met by displeasure from above, I imagine there'd be a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth therein, and not just on the liberal side of things.

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