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Marching Through Georgia

Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008 3:50 AM

Due to Georgia buying into President Bush's talk of a possible seat at the NATO table, as well as their committing troops to Iraq, their government has a reasonable expectation that we would defend them.

Sadly, the days where America could stand up and rely on her reputation to back off Russia are long gone. I'm expecting some ugly brinkmanship reminiscent of the Cold War in the next few days, with Vice President Cheney's assertion that Russia's actions cannot 'go unanswered' as a hefty start. Given the administration's current track record, military force is their first option, and diplomacy a thing of last resort.

Which must be why, according to ThinkProgress, that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is still on vacation. Oh, excuse me, that's Secretary of State and Soviet expert Condoleezza Rice.

I'm waiting to hear her say, 'I don't think anyone knew ...'

It's worth noting that every time someone suggests drawing down our troops in Iraq, there's talk of how it will take months, if not years.

The Georgians got 2,000 men out of Iraq in two days.

John McCain's statement on the Georgia crisis was apparently cribbed in part from a Wikipedia page.

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