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Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2008 3:43 AM

A note to the media ... if the Surge is, as John McCain attests, the miracle that kicked off enormous progress in Iraq, the logical follow-up is why did it take so long? Why did we waste three years and 3,000 lives (at the point at which the Surge was implemented)?

Furthermore, why is McCain's apparent confusion over the circumstances of the 'Anbar Awakening' not drawing criticism? (McCain credits the Surge for the Awakening, while the facts are that tribal leaders began unifying before the Surge was even planned.)

At a recent fundraising appearance, President Bush had asked that all cameras be turned off, and his comments not recorded. But, as it turns out, someone didn't listen ... and an ABC station in Houston now has the video, during which Bush opined on the nation's financial crisis.

There's no question about it. Wall Street got drunk ---that's one of the reasons I asked you to turn off the TV cameras -- it got drunk and now it's got a hangover. The question is how long will it sober up and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments," Mr. Bush told his audience.

Bush then goes on to joke about the housing market, noting that the problem doesn't seem to exist in Dallas, where Laura is shopping for their post-White House residence. (It's so nice to know that, while so many Americans face foreclosures, that this smirking putz can laugh about it.)

But the kicker is when Bush refers to his 'eight years of sacrifice.' Like giving up golf, but not really.

Sudan's Ambassador to the U.N. told CNN's Fareed Zakaria that his country does not recognize the authority of the International Criminal Court, which has filed war crimes charges against Sudan's president.

The rationale behind their argument?

"We have full right to be part of it or not. And we choose not to be part of it, like the United States."


It's even more laughable when CBS has their foreign affairs expert on to comment on the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, and she points out that both the arrest and the charges against Sudan's president are no different than the crimes of Saddam Hussein and Augusto Pinochet - the lesson being that no one is above the law.

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