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Criminals & The Just Plain Clueless

Thursday, Jul. 17, 2008 3:44 AM

So Michael 'If I See A Crime, I'll Prosecute It' Mukasey seems to share Alberto Gonzales' delusion that he is President Bush's attorney ... and not that of the United States, advising Mr. Bush to claim executive privilege regarding evidence in the CIA Leak case.

Crime? What crime? I don't see any crime?

And it's ironic that the administration that is savaging the constitutional protections of the average citizen is claiming super-special secret protections to cover their own asses.

Apparently, the Bush Administration is pushing Health & Human Services to define certain types of contraception as abortion.

Keep this up, and the terrorists won't have any reason to hate us for our freedoms.

Following close behind is Elizabeth Dole's proposal that the HIV Awareness legislation for fighting the spread of the disease around the world be named in honor of Jesse Helms. (The full name of the bill includes the late Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde.)

American and NATO forces were driven out of a small base in Afghanistan by Taliban fighters.

Because We All Know Al-Qaeda is in Iraq. It's the Central Battleground in the War on Terror, dont'cha know.

There are now one million 'records' on the No-Fly list, which includes the names of the 9/11 hijackers as well as unremarkable names like Robert Johnson.

The FBI clarifies that a record includes variations in the spelling of a name, and that there are actually only 400,000 names on the list, 95% of whom are non-U.S. 'persons' (citzens and others with a legal right to be in the United States).

Five percent of 400,000 is still 20,000 names.

Still unfolding is the case of Terry Childs, a computer administrator from San Francisco, who implemented a master password on the City's shiny new network.

And he's refusing to divulge the password, effectively locking city officials out of their own computer.

Childs was arrested on Monday and is facing four felony counts.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

[email protected] - 2008-07-17 21:54:46
Re: Terry Childs: That "gloop, gloop" noise you hear is the sound of my heart bleeding for someone who makes more than twice what I do. I put in the same kind of long hours and don't get a penny over my base salary, but I'm not tempted to screw over my employer (and everyone who depends on them). Guess I know the difference between right and wrong, and Childs does not.