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Politicians Say The Darndest Things!

Wednesday, Jul. 16, 2008 3:40 AM

It's nice to know President Bush finds the idea of a plummeting economy amusing, as his news conference yesterday morning is full of shrugs, chuckles, and lame jokes.

But it's nonetheless the fault of the Democratic Congress.

Actually, the blame accrues evenly to both sides. It's like the old joke about the guy who opens his lunch bag and grouses about his sandwich being peanut butter. Again. It's always a peanut butter sandwich.

'Well,' asks a coworker. 'Why don't you ask your wife to make you something different?'

'You leave my wife out of this!' the man snaps angrily. 'I make my own lunch!'

Barack Obama laid out his strategy for Iraq, re-emphasizing his committment to withdrawing troops within 16 months of his entering office.

Well, now, here's where that FISA vote is going to bite you in the ass, Senator. If you couldn't keep your word on that, why should I believe your promises on this subject? Your position sounds just as sensible as your earlier talk about the importance of our constitutional protections.

Then you turned around and voted for a compromise which would have passed even if you'd stood firm - meaning you sold yourself short for nothing.

No less ridiculous is John McCain's angry, "I know how to win wars!" rebuttal.

Frankly, any commander who thinks they can sustain a fighting force in the field for over 100 years, with or without projecting casualties at their current rate, doesn't know shit.

And while everyone is trying to figure out exactly how the Annheiser-Bush/InBev acquisition will shake out in stock dividends for Cindy McCain, the clueless comment comes from Barack Obama, who suggested that more should have been done to attract an American buyer.

Um, first of all, InBev's initial bid in June was unsolicited. And Annheiser-Busch was rated as the country's number one brewer in sales volume ... so who was going to buy them?

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