The Ministry of Shadows

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Gone, But Not Forgotten?
Friday, Jan. 20, 2012

What The Internet Will Look Like Under SOPA
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012

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Monday, Nov. 21, 2011

Jesus Approves of Waterboarding
Monday, Nov. 14, 2011

Beware of Asteroids
Wednesday, Nov. 09, 2011


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Sunday, Jun. 15, 2008 2:12 AM

In one of those moments where you realize how events in one's life can turn on a matter of seconds, my car was sideswiped by another driver Saturday evening.

I was perhaps a minute away from standing beside the car, literally about to head out the door and across the street to where my car was parked. We hear the crash and go outside to look; I looked towards the nearest intersection, and heard a friend's family member say it was my car that had been struck.

There's a fair amount of damage to the vehicle along the driver's side, plus indications there may be some frame and suspension damage.

Keeping things in perspective, neither the driver of the other car nor the toddler in the back were visibly injured or claimed any injury. The young man admitted he'd been distracted, and the next thing he knew, he was up on the curb.

I made sure the young man knew the important thing was that he and his passenger were safe, that no one was injured. The property damage, while a royal pain in the arse, is material goods and can be replaced.

So there are blessings and good fortune to be considered amid the inconvenience of a car accident, and I'd like to thank the Academy, as it were - fate, fortune, divine intervention, random chance, whatever.


The Ministry has received 2 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin aka Bindyree - 2008-06-15 07:26:13
(sic)Big Vulcan teddy bears to you, too, dude!(sic) Glad you're all right.

Dave - 2008-06-18 06:47:19
We are pleased that the Minister escaped injury.