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Numbers Game

Monday, Jun. 02, 2008 3:47 AM

It's no surprise that in the wake of both the Rules & Bylaws Committee ruling and the Puerto Rico Primary, Hillary Rodham Clinton is still singing the 'I have more of the popular vote' song, even as she mimics Barack Obama's calls for unity.

Still, the media seems to think it will be as simple as Obama squaring away a majority of the delegates up for grabs in the remaining primary contests on Tuesday.

I'm expecting another round of moving goalposts and fuzzy math, plus a formal complaint pertaining to Saturday's ruling (the latter already having been hinted at by one of Clinton's representatives).

Meanwhile, Barack Obama has announced that he is leaving the Trinity Church congregation as a result of the public's fascination with all that transpires from the pulpit at his long-time church.

That is, a focus on a candidate's religion is requiring that he disavow all that his pastor has ever done, and ultimately is pushing him out the door of his church. Sure, it's Obama's choice - he could remain part of the congregation and take his lumps - but it seems Rev. Jeremiah Wright can't fart without it being attributed to Obama or cast in context with the infamous 'God damn America' soundbite.

True, our faith can inform our politics, but the patriots and faithful complaining about Wright, and, in turn, Obama, need to think twice before standing in judgment of another's faith (with a small vice-versa for the tit-for-tat denouncements of Hagee and Parsley). Ultimately, weighing in on one's relationship with one's pastor is like saying we should get to vote for First Lady, or what books we choose to read.

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