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Zero Leadership

Friday, May. 30, 2008 3:58 AM

The latest amusement from the Democratic leadership consists of statements that the nomination battle will be over by next week, 'give or take a day'.

Why is this funny? Because Pelosi, Reid, and Dean have been opining about the end of the fuss for over a month. The media has been painting each successive week as the moment where Barack Obama will put a lock on the nomination, and Hillary will concede.

It's about as accurate and meaningful as the parade of 'six more months' in Iraq and ultimately suffers from the same conceptual issues, namely, that success is dependent on an external outside their control (Hillary shutting the hell up, or the Iraqis achieving 'political reconciliation'). Good luck with that one. Democratic leaders have shown that they have exactly zero leverage with Senator Clinton, and rewarding her behavior thus far with promises of cabinet posts or unity tickets is both idiotic and foolish.

Someone needs to tell John McCain that his trips to Iraq aren't a strong selling point, since one trip was made under the protection of a 100-man military escort, complete with air cover, and another featured McCain repeatedly getting his facts wrong and having to be prompted by his pals Lindsay Graham and Joe Lieberman.

And Maverick Johnny still isn't clear on things. In an appearance on Thursday, he attested that we've drawn down to pre-surge troop levels (we haven't), and that cities like Mosul are 'quiet' (Mosul was rocked by three separate suicide bomber attacks on the same day as McCain's speech).

Scott McClellan comes out with his book about how the Bush Administration spun, lied, and misled this country into war. Okay, great.

But it's a little late, ain't it, Scottie? And, frankly, 'I didn't speak up out of respect for the President,' is a pretty weak excuse for being complicit in starting a war.

(No less repulsive was Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice trying to spin the war as the result of 'serious concerns' about Saddam's WMDs and 'dozens' of resolutions by the U.N. Security Council.)

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