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No Longer A Green President?

Wednesday, May. 14, 2008 3:49 AM

President Bush's idea of sacrifice is giving up golf.

It's ironic that he came to this conclusion in August, 2003, while he was on vacation.

D-Day points out that Politico's Mike Allen brought up the golf subject, suggesting the whole thing was a feel-good moment pushed by the White House. I'll go one further and question the character of a man who claims to have quit drinking in the same manner - a casual, throwaway decision that's supposed to show us how morally upright he is, and the values he supposedly embraces - but he can't see clear regarding breaking the law on so many other issues.

Update: It also turns out Bush was lying. His last golf game was in October 2003.

Mr. Bush is in the Middle East again, where he plans on asking the Saudis to increase oil production again.

A trip earlier this year was met with a staunch refusal. However, George got a nice medal and an opportunity to do a cute sword dance.

More hush-hush ultra top secret nonsense from the Department of Homeland Security. Plans for the new Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative are so secret, they haven't even told Congress what they are.

The CNCI was created by secret presidential order in January.

Hillary Rodham Clinton won the West Virginia primary. She's still behind the 8-ball in terms of delegates.

I'd like the media to pester John McCain over his 'spiritual advisor' John Hagee as much as they've pushed the 'controversial former pastor' story of Jeremiah Wright.

Just to be fair.

Another item via D-Day regarding changes to the regulations governing taco trucks in the Los Angeles area - primarily fines for parking in a given location for more than an hour. Fines that have jumped from under $100 to as much as $1000, and could also include jail time.

Restaurant owners claim the trucks draw off customers and have the advantage of being able to park closer to office buildings.

I would think that if the food and service are good, most people won't have any issue with walking a block or two to patronize a restaurant.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

John - 2008-05-14 18:09:21
Ah, but "nobody walks in L.A.!"