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Toothpick Wizard?

Thursday, May. 08, 2008 3:59 AM

'Conventional wisdom' continues to dominate the news cycle, with stories about prominent democrats 'advising' Hillary Rodham Clinton to drop out of the race, while Clinton insists she's in it until a nominee is chosen - preferably her.

But the inevitability of her candidacy has run smack into the inevitability of math - Clinton would need an improbable (and likely impossible) majority of the remaining delegates and superdelegates to take the nomination.

In the meantime, Clinton's pledge to 'work as hard as she can' to assure that she's the nominee can only lead to more Clinton-brand nonsense, starting with her whiny 'he outspent me' approach, and phony pleas for party unity in the wake of her attack ads and praising McCain as a qualified commander-in-chief.

And what's with the suggestion that the Obama campaign pay off Clinton's $11 million debt?

Here's how it works: the winner decides what to offer the loser. It's not for the loser or her supporters to suggest paying off her debt, giving her the VP slot as a means of buying their support, or any similar idiocy.

That being said, I expect Senator Obama to make a fair offer, but not be so blindly generous as to clutch a viper to his bosom.

Dave over at TooOld2BCool mentioned this item about a substitute teacher who was fired for practicing wizardry in the form a making a toothpick vanish and reappear.


Holy shit, can we fall any further in our critical thinking capabilities than to believe a simple bit of sleight-of-hand is a sign of some kind of demonic power? Flunked the lesson on object permanance, did we?

Good thing he didn't pull the ol' separating thumb trick ...

Shirley Golub is running against Nancy Pelosi in the upcoming election and has fired off a silly but effective ad featuring a rubber chicken ... and likening the rubber chicken's lack of a spine to that of Speaker Pelosi's waffle-licious stand on impeachment and other highlights of the Bush Administration.

Via Bruce Schneier's Security Blog, a refreshing perspective from a terrorism expert on the reality of the al-Qaeda threat and how we need to address it.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Dave - 2008-05-08 15:46:59
There must be something in the water in Florida for this nonsense...