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Still In The Race

Wednesday, May. 07, 2008 4:06 AM

Senator Barack Obama triumphed in the North Carolina Democratic Primary, and lost in Indiana by only 2%.

As expected, Hillary's still going, playing the same song she did in the wake of Pennsylvania - that it's because Barack Obama 'massively outspent' her (so please give us money). So we're supposed to believe that a candidate who can't manage her own campaign funds and doesn't know banks are closed at 3 AM is a better choice than her opponent?

She'll continue harping about winning superdelegates and getting the Florida and Michigan contingents seated at the national convention, which has less to do with 'disenfranchising' voters and more to do with the state parties and state legislators making choices that would lead to that outcome.

It's also clear that the manufactured controversy over Obama's former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, isn't the wedge issue the media has been frothing over. Nor is the fuss over Obama being unable to carry the vote of 'working class whites'.

Yet the man who comes from a working-class background is being called an elitist by his opponent. It's a variation of the 'he ain't black enough' argument.

It should also be noted that Hillary's 'gas tax holiday' song-and-dance hasn't convinced a significant majority of voters, either.

Okay, it's been a while since I could name the various countries in Europe and their capitals (try 'high school'), but it's pretty sad when John McCain gets those facts wrong on the campaign trail.

The DailyKos points out McCain calling for a 'League of Nations' type organization (Um, John? It became the United Nations), referring to Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic), and then thanking the crowd at West Virginia (he was at Wake Forest).

Farewell to Irvine Robbins, one of the founders of the Baskin-Robbins ice cream empire, who has passed away at age 90.

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