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Mission Kinda Sorta Not Finished At All, Really

Thursday, May. 01, 2008 3:58 AM

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the day President George W. Bush stood upon the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, with a banner reading 'Mission Accomplished' hanging on the carrier's superstructure, and assured Americans that major combat operations were over in Iraq.

The White House later offered that the banner was referring to the mission of the Abraham Lincoln and its crew, then said it was the work of 'someone' among the crew - despite the fact that the captain knew nothing about it - and you don't just hang a colossal banner off the bridge of the damn ship without the old man knowing about it.

So, five years later, they're still incapable of being honest about it, with White House spokesthing Dana Perino repeating the lie that the banner was a specific reference to the crew of the Lincoln, and that it was the media's fault for bringing it up again.

An ad for Hillary Clinton lays the blame for the closure of an Indiana plant on the Bush Administration.

Except - surprise! - the closure happened during Bill Clinton's presidency. And, much less of a surprise, the Clinton campaign is trying to spin their words into something resembling the truth.

At a campaign event on Monday, Senator Barack Obama was asked about his favorite passage from Scripture; Obama replied that he liked the Golden Rule.

Later, showing that their knowledge of the Bible is as shallow as their flag-pin patriotism, FOX News' Major Garrett blasted Obama for getting it close, but not quite right.

Unfortunately, the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you - is drawn from several sources in the Old and New Testaments.

A second Ooops! moment for FOX News - a graphic illustrating Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's suggestion for a 'Lincoln-Douglas' style debate between her and Senator Barack Obama.

Except the graphic showed Black abolitionist Frederic Douglass, not Stephen Douglas - Lincoln's opponent for his Illinois senate seat.

Now, this kind of thing does happen - an embarrassing moment on our own air was when rock impresario Bill Graham had passed away ... and a graphic showed evangelist Billy Graham instead.

A Blessed Beltane to those who observe the date, and happy National Day of Prayer to others.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2008-05-01 15:20:56
The Golden Rule exists in all predominant faiths:; :-) ---