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It's Not An Escalation

Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2008 3:59 AM

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has ordered a second aircraft carrier sent to the Persian Gulf, not as an escalation, he says, but 'a reminder.' And while Admiral Michael Mullen says he has 'reserve' capability to undertake action against Iran, we need to understand that 'sending a carrier' means 'sending a carrier strike group' - the carrier and over a dozen support vessels.

It's bad enough that incompetence and word games brought us the disaster in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, but now there's word that the Army Corps of Engineers cut corners on repairs - filling expansion joints on the repaired seawall with shredded newspaper.

The reason that President Bush won't say the R-word is that he doesn't want a recession stapled to his legacy. In the meantime, he'll blame Congress for the country's economic woes and suggest remedies like drilling in ANWR for 'untapped reserves' to compensate for rapidly climbing oil prices - even though it's been established that ANWR would provide little in the way of relief, and that Saudi Arabia (where they gave George a medal and watched him dance like a monkey) is well short of previous high production levels.

(Check out Bush doing his Bill O'Reilly imitation as he gets snippy with ABC's Martha Raddatz on her attempted follow-up question on Afghanistan.)

So why is it that Mr. Straight Talk Express, Senator John McCain, files his income tax returns separately from his wife?

Another game in the Grand Theft Auto series, and another round of news stories about how 'controversial' and 'violent' the game is.

It still comes down to parenting. The game is rated M, meaning teenagers cannot purchase the game.

And if the GTA games are supposed to turn our kids into ready-made hoodlums, it's clear this guy needs a remedial lesson.

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