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Hillary's Lies

Monday, Apr. 07, 2008 3:51 AM

It seems that Hillary Rodham Clinton is having an increasing problem telling the truth. In the wake of her 'sniper fire' adventures, it turns out that her anecdote about a pregnant woman who was denied health care is another factually-challenged moment. This time, the excuse is that her staff didn't have time to fully vet the story.

And her latest gimmick is to claim that she criticized the Iraq War before Barack Obama ... if you start in 2005.

Clinton's campaign is also dumping chief strategist Mark Penn, who was caught in the contradiction of promoting a trade agreement that Clinton is opposing. However, Penn's firm will continue to provide polling information to the campaign.

Russian President Vladimir Putin still isn't buying President Bush's 'dumb but honest guy' comedy routine, maintaining his opposition to American plans to develop a missile defense shield and base part of it in Poland.

In a joint news conference, Bush played his usual tapes, complete with head-bobble and 'it's gonna take time' excuses. And because the podiums both leaders were standing at were narrow, we also got a good look at Bush's habitual fidgeting and inability to stand still.

Actor Charlton Heston has passed away at the age of 83.

The New York Times warns that blogging can kill you.

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