The Ministry of Shadows

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Report? What Report?

Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 3:51 AM

Geraldine Ferraro's suggestion that Barack Obama is only in the lead because of his race is both ridiculous and offensive. There's some kind of affirmative action for black politicians? I mean, it sure helped Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Alan Keyes, right?

But what adds that certain cachet of stupidity is Ferraro's claims that her remarks are being taken out of context because she's white, or because critics are trying to attack Her Majesty Hillary I through her.

No, Geraldine, you're being attacked because you said something stupid and borderline racist.

And Hillary's lukewarm attempt to distance herself from those comments shows once more the level of bullshit hiding behind that, "I found my own voice," comment.

Artist Dave Stevens, who created the Rocketeer, has passed away due to complications from leukemia.

The report that disproves claims of a Saddam/al-Qaeda link is now not going to be released to the public.

Wouldn't do to have facts out there when the Republican candidate is running on a platform of continuing our 'mission' in Iraq.

Perhaps you saw the ad campaign for the online game World of Warcraft, featuring celebrities like William Shatner, Mr. T, and Verne Troyer.

Well, apparently the government thinks terrorists might also be lurking about in online games and communities.

Um ... okay. Right.

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