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Thursday, Feb. 14, 2008 3:52 AM

I'd really like to know why, when we have a President who has committed numerous impeachable offenses, a flailing economy, and thinks telecoms should get a break for maybe-sorta-kinda spying on Americans, we have a Congress directing its energy towards steroids in major league baseball and whether or not the New England Patriots have been taping opposing teams' signals.

You'd also think that, on a Senate vote banning further use of waterboarding as an interrogation technique (and, once more, clearly establishing it as torture), that a prominent POW from the Vietnam War would vote in favor of that ban.

Guess again. In a vote split largely along party lines, Senator John McCain voted against the ban. "Independent" Senator Joseph Lieberman also voted against the ban.

President Bush has threatened to veto any law restricting the use of such techniques, just in case Jack Bauer needs to pull out a few toenails next season.

But, OMG! Roger Clemens may have used steroids! WTF!

And the White House is directing U.S. diplomats abroad to liken the upcoming 9/11 trials those of Nazi War Criminals at Nuremburg.

Neglecting, of course, that part of the Nuremburg trials were for 'crimes against humanity' like torture and running prison camps, or that there's a small difference in scale between 3,000 Americans killed on 9/11 and over 6,000,000 Jews and other minorities killed by the Nazi regime.

Dear. (point) Hillary. (point) If I. (point) Wanted a. (point) President who. (point) Can't talk. (point) In complete. (point) Sentences! (point emphatically) I'd have. (point) Voted for. (point) George W. Bush. (point) God forbid. (point) There should. (point) Be four. (point) Or more! (point dramatically) Years of. (point) You talking. (point) Like this. (point)

It's bad enough you're using the 'you're stupid' tone/delivery. It's worse when you're in San Antonio trying to court the Hispanic vote with this behavior.

Dave over at Too Old To Be Cool had this first, but it's a great link.

The group known only as 'Anonymous' has effectively declared war on the Church of Scientology, backing two large protests this past weekend in Los Angeles and London.

Scientology's usual tactic of lawsuits and threats/browbeating won't work against a group of this nature. You can't serve what you can't find.

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