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City With A Soft, Flaky Inside?

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008 3:51 AM

Senator Barack Obama now leads the Democratic candidates (okay, so it's now just him and 'Inevitable' Hillary) in total delegates. Even if Clinton takes Texas and Ohio, it will likely come to a battle on the convention floor and courting the uncommitted superdelegates.

On the Republican side, Senator John McCain continues to hold the lead, despite wags criticizing him for not being a 'true conservative.' Still, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is refusing to drop out, kicking off rumors that he's angling for a cabinet position or the vice-presidency.

Update: Almost forgot - yesterday saw debate and the vote for various amendments to FISA - particularly the telecom amnesty that President Bush tells us is crucial to fighting terrorists. Barack Obama gets points for showing up and voting NO. McCain voted in favor.

Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't show up at all. She was in Texas, campaigning for a primary that isn't until next month.

With pitcher Roger Clemens facing off against his former trainer in Congressional hearings over steroid use in major league baseball, I have to wonder why, exactly, said trainer would save used needles.

The Berkeley City Council did an abrupt about-face and rescinded their resolution calling the United States Marine Corps 'unwelcome intruders' in their city. Mayor Tom Bates nonetheless insists they're all about protesting the war but supporting our troops once they're there and when they come home.

However, supporters of the Marines did themselves no credit by carrying signs that read, 'Waterboard The Liberals.' (I don't like being lumped in with the loonies any more than you like being called warmongers.) Another man was arrested for brandishing a knife, which he claims was self defense after Code Pink protesters wrapped him in a banner.

Code Pink says they'll push for a measure in the next election calling for the removal of the recruiting station.


If this photo is genuine, it's pretty remarkable. A photographer captured the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro being struck by lightning on Sunday.

Of course, as the statue is the highest object in the city, it's not hard to imagine that it gets struck by lightning on a regular basis.

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