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Big Brother?

Tuesday, Feb. 05, 2008 3:45 AM

It's Super Tuesday. If there's a presidential primary in your state today, get your ass to the polls and vote.

If you don't vote, then I can only conclude that you don't give a rat's ass about issues like the following, and would be happy living in a fascist regime with a state-mandated religion.

In a classified directive signed last month, President Bush has authorized the NSA to monitor internet traffic - ostensibly to defend the nation's computer systems. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) will coordinate efforts to identify the source of intrusions, the Department of Homeland Security will work to protect systems, and the Pentagon will handle counter-intrusion efforts.

I'd feel a lot safer if this wasn't coming from the pen of a president who broke the law to institute warrantless wiretaps through that same agency. Not to mention the fact that the White House, having been involved in use of a secondary system for e-mails that were conveniently 'lost,' hasn't shown that it understands computer security in the first place.

That is, if you have a secondary network, and you are either accessing it from a desktop computer connected to government systems, or using a laptop that is either connected via a government phone line or wi-fi router, we now have an unsecured computer connecting to a secure network.

Of course, we're being told that the NSA will only be monitoring foreign traffic, just like they were monitoring only foreign calls. This is a load of bullshit, as there's no reason to believe that Chinese hackers would be directly traceable to a readily identifiable computer system in China. Go read Cliff Stoll's The Cuckoo's Egg for an example of hackers routing their traffic through unrelated systems to hide their trail.

But, more importantly, we have yet more surveillance falling outside Congressional oversight. (And a Congress that isn't exercising that oversight to begin with.)

Nothing quite says, 'police state,' as Hillary Rodham Clinton's healthcare 'plan,' which now apparently includes a mandatory pay-in.

Or, if you speak English, it's called garnishing your wages.

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