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No Leadership Here

Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2008 4:16 AM

From the Things Not To Do On The Campaign Trail Department:

Do not use one of the most irritating lines from George W. Bush's ascension to the White House in 2000.

But that's exactly what Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a speech last week.

"We've got a lot of work to do."

Inevitably, that line tells me, "Shut the fuck up, you whiner. I'm busy being president." Anyone who's ever had an incompetent supervisor or boss, or had their fill of corporate-speak will recognize that attitude and understand neither leadership nor change will be found under that banner.

And an interesting note in this whole Hillary & Bill thing. After New Hampshire, Hillary got all teary-eyed and told us she'd been spouting crap for a year found her own voice.

So if Bill's gone off the reservation to attack Barack Obama, is that Hillary's voice? Or Bill's voice? If the latter, is it a good sign that Hillary can't rein in her husband?

As for the whole 'working for real change' tagline Hillary's been pushing, the debate made one thing clear - she's been trying to sell her healthcare plan since 1992, over fifteen years. Couldn't do it as First Lady. Can't do it as a senator. So why should we believe she'll be able to do it as president? (That is, why is it a function of the office you hold, instead of the merits of your plan?)

More campaign silliness comes from the starched and impeccably-groomed Mitt Romney posing with some African American youths and trotting out, "Who let the dogs out? Who? Who? Who?"

And then there's President Bush's appearance in a classroom, where he advises students to 'love their neighbor.' Visible on the floor are two 'X's' in masking tape ... which happen to be exactly where Mr. Bush is standing.

But the winner is former president Bill Clinton, who dozed off during MLK Day observances at a Harlem church.

It's easy to overstate the meaning of the ups and downs in the stock market. Still, the nose dive that overseas markets took on the Monday following President Bush's talk of his economic stimulus package isn't exactly promising.

Japan's Nikkei Index has lost close to a fifth of its total volume since the start of the new year.

If you're in California, today is the last day to register to vote before the primary election on February 5th.

Questions? Go to the California Secretary of State's website.

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