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Tiger, Tiger?

Wednesday, Jan. 09, 2008 3:50 AM

Gee, a win in New Hampshire, and suddenly Hillary is all smiles, with no sign of her emotional moment the other day. So which is the Hillary-I-Know? The shrewish, frowning Hillary from the New Hampshire debates? The emotional, choked-up Hillary who was ready to flush some of her campaign staff down the tubes? Or is it 'Ready on Day One' Hillary?

I'm leaning towards #1.

A federal magistrate has ordered the White House to reveal whether or not there are any backups of the millions of e-mails that were claimed to be lost. (That's in addition to using a secondary server provided by the GOP to circumvent federal laws on record-keeping.)

In response to a lawsuit filed by CREW, the White House had offered a sworn declaration that the material was being safeguarded, but Magistrate Judge John Facciola says a court order is preferred, '... because a declaration is not punishable by contempt.'

And speaking of destroying evidence, a judge in San Francisco has ruled that police can retain custody of the car and cell phones belonging to the Dhaliwal brothers - the survivors of the tiger mauling at the S.F. Zoo.

It is believed that there may be incriminating evidence stored on the phones in the form of photos or video, material that could be deleted if the phones were returned. San Francisco attorney Dennis Herrera had written to the brothers' lawyer asking that they preserve the phones' current state if returned, but that request went unanswered.

In the Security Through Obscurity Department, the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority rolled out their, 'If You See Something, Say Something' campaign, in which your average every-day commuter would call an 800 hotline to report suspicious activity.

The MTA called the program a rousing success, with 1,944 calls in 2007.

The only problem is, none of them had anything to do with terrorism, and a majority of the calls didn't even involve the transit system. Five callers were arrested for making false reports, and eleven calls reported people counting (supposedly a suspicious activity, because terrorists are going to go around counting potential victims before an attack).

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