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The Numbers Game

Monday, Dec. 31, 2007 4:38 AM

A spokesman for Iraq's interior ministry made the claim that al-Qaeda Iraq has been 75% destroyed. U.S. officials are saying they can't confirm that data, but estimate 75% of AQI's hideouts have been eliminated.

Either way, these are effectively meaningless figures. How does one establish what comprises 75% of a terrorist group? Is there a membership database or something?

A six year-old girl in Texas won tickets to a sold-out 'Hannah Montana' concert by submitting an essay about her father, a soldier in Iraq who was killed by a roadside bomb.

The only problem is, her father isn't a soldier, and he's very much alive.

The girl's mother admitted to the lie this weekend, saying they did whatever it took to win; the contest sponsor awarded the prize to another contestant.

Apparently, Katie Couric has lost 1,000,000 viewers during her first year at the helm of the CBS Evening News.

That's been described as being like everyone in the Los Angeles area turning off their sets at once.

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