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No-Bid Felony Sexual Assault?

Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2007 1:09 AM

Well, the office crud turned into bronchitis (that's not terribly unusual, I had a really bad respiratory infection back around 1997 - multiple rounds of antibiotics, the works ... so the crud heads south at every opportunity).

Taking a couple extra days out to let the antibiotics kick in.

ABC News is reporting the story of Jamie Leigh Jones, a young woman from Houston, Texas, who claims she was gang-raped by coworkers for Halliburton/KBR, then held prisoner inside an empty shipping container for 24 hours.

When Jones was freed, Army personnel used a standard forensic rape kit to verify her claims. That kit, for whatever reasons, was handed over to KBR Security and has since disappeared.

Felony sexual assault and obstruction of justice, brought to you by Halliburton, operating on no-bid contracts with the United States Government.

I can't wait to hear the spin on this one.

White House Spokesbimbo Dana Perino is taking her lumps for having admitted she had no idea what the Cuban Missile Crisis was, other than it involved Cuba and Missiles.

It kind of weakens the whole 'the president would never ask a staff member to lie' comedy routine if you're so blitheringly stupid as to not know about one of the major political showdowns in recent history. I mean, come on, Bush is still lambasting Cuba in his speeches. You'd think a little historical review would be in order.

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