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Presidential Booga-Booga

Tuesday, Dec. 04, 2007 7:12 AM

The President completely discounted the NIE stating that Iran has abandoned its nuclear weapons program, citing that Iran 'was a danger, is a danger, and will be a danger' if it obtains the knowledge to enrich uranium.

Because, he insisted during a stammering, stumbling defense of his previous statements, that knowledge could be passed on to a 'covert program.' In fact, the whole problem, Bush points out, is that Iran has a covert program.

So the NIE, which stated Iran has not had a program for the past four years, didn't consider this aspect?

He also claims that no one told him about the new findings until last week, despite the NIE being completed in the Spring and then reworked in August to accomodate the new data.

Though later questions returned to Iran, the subject was changed to the economy by an unnamed reporter who appeared to be sitting next to White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino.

And following standard procedure, the news conference ended with a convenient reiteration of talking points - that Iran is 'still a danger' (no one has said it isn't), Iran could have a program, could develop a bomb, could use it ... and then we'll all be asking why we didn't take appropriate measures back in 2007.

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