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Piecemeal Peace Plan?

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007 4:16 AM

What if you held peace talks and no one came?

That's the dilemma facing the State Department, which is desperately trying to jump-start the Bush Administration's 'Roadmap to Peace,' not as a practical application, but as a means of achieving a legacy.

But neither Israeli Prime Minister Olmert or Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas have agreed to an agenda. It's not known if the Saudis will send a major delegation. Hamas isn't invited.

The Huffington Post has an interesting project - turning the names, events, and slogans of the Bush Administration into stark posters that capture the essence of Bush's time in office.

And if the Bush Administration isn't careful, one of those dubious achievements will be OPEC switching to a different standard than the American dollar, a move proposed by Venezuela and Iran.

It's a bad day when two of our worst detractors have this much leverage.

We round out the day with a Boot to the Head for Gary Cloutier, who is tied with attorney Osby Davis for Vallejo's mayoral seat.

Cloutier was arrested on charges of public intoxication this past weekend, but has been released. Officers claim Cloutier was staggering and tried to drive off after leaving a bar in Palm Springs, but did not merit a DUI.

Davis gets credit for not trashing his opponent, pointing out that an arrest does not equal guilt.

Cloutier is presently leading by a narrow margin of nine votes.

Congressional hearings into the Cosco Busan oil spill are turning out to be nothing more than a media event - an opportunity for Democrats to look serious and effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Now the media is gushing over Barack Obama, as he's drawn ahead of Hillary Clinton and John Edwards in advance polls in Iowa, supposedly on the belief that he's the candidate that has the best chance of getting us out of Iraq.

Funny, I thought that was what we elected a pack of spineless prats in 2006 for.

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