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Believe It Or Not?

Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2007 3:54 AM

Senator Sam Brownback wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post, stating - among other things - that, 'the conservative movement in America will succeed to the extent that it is faith-filled.'

To which David Kuo, formerly of the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, replied, "It is this fusion of faith and politics that is destroying both faith AND politics. We need our politicians to focus on being great political leaders who can run the ship of state. If they are faith-filled terrific. Great. If they aren't but can do the job, great. But this notion that the two must be fused is one of the most noxious and frightening notions."

Georgia's Governor Sonny Perdue nonetheless offered up a prayer to the Almighty asking for rain to end the state's 20 month-long drought.

What has some folks upset is that Perdue held the prayer on the steps of the state capitol, crossing the line between church and state.

From what I've read and heard on the news, the drought has its roots in water management decisions as well as a scarcity of rain.

Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf must really be taking pages out of George W. Bush's playbook, asserting that the state of emergency, "... is to ensure elections go in an undisturbed manner."

A woman who worked for both the FBI and CIA has confessed to lying about her marriage - through which she gained U.S. citizenship - and may have passed information on to foreign nationals, including a family member with ties to Hezbollah.

So much for background checks.

An FBI investigative team has determined that 14 of the deaths that resulted from a Blackwater USA shooting in September resulted from unprovoked fire on the part of the security contractors.

Blackwater USA continues to spin, saying that 'key people' have not been interviewed.

Those wouldn't be the folks hiding behind an improper offer of immunity from the State Department, would it?

A Texas high-school football team has found a unique way to pump themselves up for a game.

They perform the Maori Haka, an ancient war dance from the New Zealand tribe.

The practice began two years ago, when Polynesian team members introduced the Haka to their teammates. That year, the team won the state championship.

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