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Honesty Is The Best Policy

Monday, Nov. 12, 2007 4:07 AM

Michael Baisden, a nationally-syndicated black radio talk show host, has raised questions regarding funds collected on behalf of the Jena Six students ... and questioning where the money has gone.

Color Of Change, the group collecting those funds, says Baisden has his facts wrong.

It now seems that Hillary's 'planted question' problem is more than the single incident staffers admitted to recently.

And while there are certainly more substantial issues facing the country, honesty is a significant factor in a candidate's character.

It should also be noted that Hillary herself may be responsible for calling attention to the makeup of her audiences, as she had previously accused one man of being a 'Republican plant' at one appearance.

Meanwhile, at an Iowa event for candidates, Hillary stated that America needs a president who will get to work on 'Day One.'

So ... how does that work with your 'we won't be able to get out of Iraq until 2013' stance, again?

On the other side of the campaign highway is former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

"These are people that want to kill us. It�s a theocratic war. And I don�t know if anybody fully understands that. I�m the only guy on that stage with a theology degree," Huckabee told televangelist Pat Robertson.

Right. So the way to combat religious extremism is to become more like them and elect leaders based on their religious qualifications?

And, by the way, Governor ... the Constitution affirms that there shall be no religious test as a requirement of public office, so your degree in theology is irrelevant.

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