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Dubious Honors

Wednesday, Nov. 07, 2007 4:05 AM

It's hard to exercise oversight when the Democratic leadership keeps spiking attempts to do so.

To wit, Rep. Dennis Kucinich's resolution calling for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney. Majority Whip Steny Hoyer immediately moved to table the resolution; Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are still singing the 'no impeachment' chorus.

Republicans initially supported tabling the measure, then switched their votes - as bringing the measure to the floor would mean debate. The Democrats then handed the measure off to the Judiciary Committee for 'further study.'

Based on a mention in an episode of Frontline, several blogs have drawn attention to a 2005-2006 program briefly implemented in the name of Homeland Security.

The FBI went pawing through data from San Francisco Bay Area supermarkets looking for purchasers of Middle Eastern foods, on the assumption that it would lead them to 'Iranian secret agents' in the San Francisco/San Jose region.

The program was shot down by the head of criminal investigations, who stated that putting someone on a terrorist watch list based on what they ate was ridiculous and possibly illegal.

Lost in the shuffle from Monday was the inadvertent comedy of White House Spokesperson Dana Perino asserting that, 'restricting the constitution to fight terrorism is never acceptable.'


And congratulations to Messrs. Bush & Cheney on achieving the dubious honor of making 2007 the deadliest year for our soldiers in Iraq, as the latest casualties have now exceeded those incurred in 2006.

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