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Vote, Already

Tuesday, Nov. 06, 2007 3:36 AM

The Do-Nothing Express over at the White House is running at full steam, as President Bush offers nothing but empty pleas for General Pervez Musharraf to restore Pakistan's constitution and the rule of law in that country.

Contrast this with the 'diplomacy must have consequences, for when talking don't work' nonsense that Bush spun only a couple of weeks ago.

Contrast this with Condoleezza Rice's remark that we haven't put 'all our chips' on Musharraf, and Bush's plaintive 'we can only continue to support Musharraf.'

And I would like to know where all the 'experts' were when Mr. Bush set his sights on Saddam. That we were leaving a battle where things had not yet been decided, and where the prize of nuclear weapons lay on the line was clear.

So six years later, our military strength is strained and our leaders are busy spanking the weasel over a country that cannot even be proven to have an active weapons program.

Oh, right, we didn't want to undermine Musharraf ... which is why we're pushing Benazir Bhutto as part of our plan to 'restore democracy' to Pakistan.

Remember, if you don't vote, don't complain.

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