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America's Mayor or America's Tyrant?

Friday, Oct. 26, 2007 3:54 AM

Rudy Giuliani doesn't know if waterboarding constitutes torture.

"It depends on how it�s done. It depends on the circumstances. It depends on who does it."

The aspiring candidate goes on to suggest that it would be permissible, even necessary for the president to authorize such techniques if there were, for example, terrorists threatening to use nuclear weapons in domestic attacks against the United States.

Giuliani says it's the fault of the liberal media that Americans have a negative view of waterboarding.

"Sometimes they describe it accurately. Sometimes they exaggerate it. So I�d have to see what they really are doing, not the way some of these liberal newspapers have exaggerated it," he notes.

Mr. Giuliani also doesn't understand sleep deprivation, jokingly comparing an acknowledged technique of torture to his own travails on the campaign trail.

He asserts that his success as a District Attorney came by way of electronic surveillance and aggressive questioning. And, of course, if you don't understand that, you clearly aren't supporting law enforcement and intelligence personnel.

So, Rudy, what part of warrantless escapes your towering legal intellect?

While the achievements of astronauts Pamela Melroy and Peggy Whitson, the commanders of Discovery and the International Space Station, are unquestionably worthy of praise, I'm finding the media's gushing about 'two women being in charge at the same time' more than a little demeaning.

And a group called Family Security Matters has released their list of the Ten Most Dangerous Organizations in America.

Topping the list? Media Matters for America, the watchdog site known for calling out conservative bias in news and the more outrageous statements of commentators like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. The list decries MMFA as 'professional smear merchants.'

Next up? America's Universites and Colleges, due to the pervasive 'far left' agenda embedded in the curriculum.

Rounding out the top three slots, it's, classified as a far left, anti-war, anti-Republican smear site that has little actual effect on America's political process. (If that's so, one wonders why, exactly, it ranks as the #3 threat to America's national security.)

Notably absent from the list are actual terrorist groups like al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.

(h/t to Crooks And Liars)

And just when you thought it was safe to go out in public, here comes former Senator Rick Santorum, featured speaker for 'IslamoFacism Awareness Week,' whatever that is (several universities have said, 'Huh? What?' when asked about their participation in this event, sponsored by conservative pundit David Horowitz).

�Islam, unlike Christianity, is an all-encompassing ideology,� said Santorum. �It is not just something you do on Sunday."

Our God is an Awesome God - so awesome, in fact, that we only have to devote one hour a week to Him, and He doesn't really care what we do the rest of the time. Uh-huh. Right. Sure, Rick, whatever you say.

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