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Harry Reid and the Reverse Friedman

Wednesday, Oct. 03, 2007 12:58 AM

A draft report from the Government Accountability Office shows that federal employees have spent over $146 million on business- and first-class tickets ... simply because they felt they were entitled to the perk.

The worst offender? The State Department.

After suggesting that 'real soldiers' don't talk about withdrawal or anything other than supporting President Bush's policies in Iraq, conservative radio pundit Rush Limbaugh has drawn fire from leading Democrats.

Thus, we launch into a new round of condemning someone for political speech and substituting 'outrage' for substantive discussion.

Limbaugh has edited both the transcript and media files on his site to portray his words as something other than what was said on-air.

Hint to Senator Reid: Try working on that 'ending the war' thing, or maybe a concept called 'impeachment' and knock off the reverse-Friedmans already. (The Friedman Unit refers to columnist Thomas Friedman, who continually told readers that 'the next six months' would be the deciding point for the Iraq war. A reverse-Friedman is the Democrats' 'we'll have the troops coming home by Spring, no Summer, no Winter, next Spring ... um, after the election! Vote for us!' strategy.)

And from one imploding self-righteous prig to another (Limbaugh or Reid, take your pick), we come to Bill O'Reilly, who vowed to avenge himself against CNN and all those nasty, evil liberal types who continue to 'smear' him for his comments about his Wonderful Trip To A Black Restaurant, even suggesting that he would - absent a trip to hell or jail - strangle those responsible.

It's not a smear, Bill. You really did say those words, and there's really no other way to interpret them than to think you're abysmally stupid, if not blatantly racist.

Someone tell Hillary Clinton that wearing a top consisting of horizontal black-and-white stripes makes her look like a convict.

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