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Halo, I Must Be Going ...

Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2007 1:52 AM

Okay, I know gamers are all hyped-up about Halo 3, but this kid needs to get some perspective:

"How big of a deal? Well, it's bigger than the pope dying or a new president. I'll bet it's bigger than Noah's Flood," said Kaleb Bell. "I mean, this is Halo 3. There's like new guns and stuff."

A far more serious remark comes from Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Kentucky), who took the floor to ask, "With brave American soldiers dying in record numbers, I have two questions for the President � just whose posteriors are we kicking and how do you know?"

Doubtless, the answer will be in the carefully-massaged and spun metrics being used to pitch success.

Which begs the question, if we're having success, why are we waiting to bring the troops home? Oh, we need continued success? More success?

Speaking of successes, cholera has come to Iraq.

Why? Because there's not enough chlorine to purify the water.

Why? Because the U.S. and Iraqi governments are holding up shipments to keep chlorine gas from the hands of the insurgents.

So, remember, the next time you see General Petraeus prancing about a shiny marketplace, take a moment to think of all the Iraqis drinking contaminated water.

And regarding yesterday's comment about the failure of American statesmanship, a case in point: when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took the podium before the U.N. General Assembly, the United States Delegation (Ambassador Zalmay Khalizad, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice) got up and left. (To be fair, the Cuban delegation took a walk after Bush made a point of labelling Castro as a 'brutal dictator' whose reign was coming to an end.)

Nonetheless, I'd like to know what, precisely, Ahmadinejad could have possibly said that would be so devastating, unless the United States was afraid of being singled out as President Bush deigned to do to Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Sudan, and Myanmar.

Even if Ahmadinejad stands up and spews a bunch of nonsense, why is America running away from him? Why do we lack the confidence to sit there and look him in the eye? This is the worst of the talk-radio mindset, that if I don't like what you're saying, I can just kill the phone line and talk over you.

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