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Stuck on 9/11

Sunday, Sept. 09, 2007 8:06 AM

Angling for a spot on the top ten list of Dumbest Things Said By A Politician, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, "For me, every day is an anniversary of September 11. If you don't talk about September 11, you can't prevent another."

I'm sure it is, Rudy. Just like your 29 hours on site doing photo ops puts you on a par with the rescue and recovery personnel.

You're right up there with the idiots who tout themselves as being 'post-9/11' people, as if our lives and America as a whole can be distilled down to a simple list of dates.

And what we really need is dialogue that gets us past this fixation on September 11. As with any other time that we grieve or suffer a significant loss, we must - at some point - pick ourselves up and move on. We don't 'forget' anything, nor do we dishonor the lives or memories of those we've lost.

It's an insult to imply we've forgotten anything, Mr Giuliani. What America needs is leadership that will help us move forward, instead of keeping us mired in fear.

And, as if we couldn't see this coming, the so-called Petraeus Report won't even be coming anywhere near Congress.

Instead, General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker will speak to President Bush, who will then assure us that the surge is working, or somesuch nonsense.

If the facts can't even hold up to a presentation before Congress, I don't have much confidence in them, the people delivering them, or the guy in the White House who is keeping everything tucked under his cowboy hat.

Come on - this is a fricking general in the United States Army. He's the commander of our forces in Iraq. He can't cross Pennsylvania Avenue without having his hand held?

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