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3,000 Centrifuges?

Monday, Sept. 03, 2007 1:19 AM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has announced that Iran now has 3,000 centrifuges in operation - a 'magic number' as far as the enrichment of uranium for an energy or weapons program goes.

The claim has not been independently verified. (And if you had successfully snowed the IAEA, why would you effectively reveal your deception before you had a deployable product?)

Nonetheless, the All Our Problems Start In Iran pageant has begun. It's the much-anticipated sequel to the smash hit, All Our Problems Start In Iraq.

In a sensible world, I wouldn't be worrying that we might kick off a second ill-conceived war on the flimsiest of pretenses. But our country is being led by a president whose vaunted 'instincts' and 'moral clarity' have proven to be less than sufficient to the task, and a vice-president who had to sober up wait 17 hours before reporting a shotgun accident.

And the 'Democrat Leadership' (you've sunken pretty far when I start using a conservative slam, folks), keep following a strategy of co-dependence.

On this day where we recognize the contributions of American labor, a disgusting note.

Apparently, the families of the miners lost in the Crandall Canyone mine collapse have filed a suit against the Bureau of Mine Safety.

Said bureau informed the families that since the mine was not unionized, the families have no standing, and could only be given standing by obtaining the signatures of the missing miners.

Oh, look - it's another position filled by one of George's good buddies in a recess appointment ...

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-09-03 04:51:51
I'm stealing this from somebody, but I forgot who: Complaning about the Bush administration is like booing at the Special Olympics. Happy Labor Day, indeed... :-(