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Daly's Proposal Won't Fly

Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2007 4:06 AM

SF Supervisor Chris Daly's measure to ban 'unnecessary military flyovers' (i.e. the Blue Angels) was defeated 2-1 in committee.

Despite Daly's insistence that It's All About Safety, Supervisor Michaela Alioto-Pier pointed out that no expert testimony regarding safety was offered, nor did the measure adequately address the economic impact of cancelling the Blue Angels' performance.

Daly says he'll keep trying.

IMHO, Chris - try being honest. It's not about safety, it's about whatever beef you have with the military and the faulty logic that somehow, supporting the Navy's precision flying team is the same as supporting President Bush and/or the Iraq conflict.

Now, why is it that Hillary Rodham Clinton believes it necessary to have documents from her eight years as First Lady locked away until after the 2008 election?

Oh, that's right. Things are different now that she's a candidate for president. Wouldn't want people to go back and dredge up seeming contradictions in her statements.

Supposedly, in answering accusations that the Bush Administration only cares about the wealthy, and that the average American can't afford health care, President Bush said, "Of course they have access to health care! They can go to the emergency room."

And as the September 'deadline' for measuring the progress of the surge approaches, I'm also waiting for the 'just another six months' crowd to start issuing disclaimers that there may be an increase in violence, because the Bad People are trying to discourage us from gutting it out.

Thing is, the violence in Iraq is like gas prices - it goes up, but it never goes back below its original level.

And with over 200 people dead in attacks in the past couple of weeks, it's hard to argue the 'progress' is being made.

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