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Your World. Censored.

Thursday, Aug. 09, 2007 3:28 PM

Of course you can trust major telecommunications giants like AT&T. They wouldn't spy on you.

And they'd certainly never censor material coming across the internet, right?


Fans of Pearl Jam informed the band that, during the 'live webcast' of Lollapalooza, two lines were censored from the band's performance. Notably, lyrics that referred to George W. Bush. ("George Bush, leave this world alone," and "George Bush, find yourself another home.")

AT&T Executives claim it was mistakenly cut by their 'content monitor' and/or a 'webcast editor,' because AT&T has a policy for excessive language, and the event was listed for an all-ages audience.

"What happened to us this weekend was a wake up call, and it's about something much bigger than the censorship of a rock band," the band states on their website.

The uncut version of their song will be posted there for their fans.

It should be no surprise, therefore, that President Bush has determined the two geniuses who get to direct the new and improved warrantless (you don't think they're ever going to bother with the one thing they kept carping about, do you?) surveillance program will also be the ones to conduct oversight.

Not only are the foxes guarding the hen house, the foxes get to give themselves performance reviews.

The Kansas GOP is forming a 'loyalty committee' to discipline officers who endorse or contribute to Democrats.

"The motive behind this is, 'Let's make sure Republicans are supporting Republicans,'" said Christian Morgan, the state party's executive director. "If you want to hold a party post, you should at least be supporting Republican candidates."

So being a Republican is no longer about values, but marching in ideological lockstep with fellow Republicans? Loyalty committees? What's next, zampolits? Insisting elected officials only vote the party line?

We have absolutely got to get a grip on ourselves before this ideological mummery spreads any further.

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