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Thou Shalt Use Thy Turn Signal?

Wednesday, Jun. 20, 2007 8:59 AM

Cardinal Renato Martino heads up the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People.

As part of a larger document, his office has released a "Ten Commandments" for drivers, as the Cardinal is concerned about the increase in road rage, alcohol abuse, and even simple rudeness.

Not to mention the automobile may become, "an occasion of sin,' when used by prostitutes and their clients.

While there's no doubt our highways could benefit from more mindful and courteous driving habits, why is this something the church has to weigh in upon? Shouldn't 'be nice to one another' be somewhat self-evident? And if laws, sobriety checkpoints, ad campaigns, and throwing Paris Hilton in the slammer doesn't get the point across, why will, "Try saying the Rosary as you drive," garner better results?

"I think the Vatican has lost its marbles," said Dino Risi, a director whose film, "The Overtaking," ends with a violent car crash.

The contents of over 50 of the 88-or-so 'secondary' e-mail accounts held by Bush Administration members on RNC/GOP servers have been lost.

A convenient tragedy when those e-mails apparently include critical exchanges pertaining to the firing of eight U.S. attorneys.

Above and beyond the politics of using these accounts to circumvent the Presidential Records Act and getting caught red-handed, do you actually expect me to believe that all of the e-mail is gone? Poof? Vanished without a trace?

Now, if it were a suspected terrorist, we'd have copies in triplicate and be crowing about how essential surveillance is to our national security.

If the material was lost, it was likely through deliberate malice instead of a BSOD moment.

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