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Chump Tuesday

Tuesday, Jun. 19, 2007 2:08 AM

ABC News is reporting that 'suicide bomber teams' are being sent to the United States and/or Great Britain.

So much for fighting them over there. Does that mean we can finally lay that idiotic slogan to rest?

The story is apparently based on video from a source who was 'allowed inside' a secret training camp. Wow, a terrorist training camp where they're making threats against America.

I'm shocked.

Rep. Ellen Tauscher has a great idea! Let's revoke the AUMF!

Um, Ellen? What the FUCK have you been doing these past few years? This is hardly a new or original idea, and those of us who suggested it years ago are wondering if you're clueless or just plain incompetent.

And Senator Barbara Boxer gets another ding for suggesting that Iraq should be turned into a managed state, with separate regions for the Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites.

Kind of Wal-Mart meets Joe Biden (who proposed the 'separate zones' idea in the first place), I guess.

Hello! These groups don't like us. They're damn well not going to take to our dictating zones and boundaries, or having some kind of American management team doling out freedom and liberty.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-06-19 02:58:23
But it's the Bush Administration, Bob. When all else fails, build a wall! Even if only metaphorically. Arrghgh