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Bombs Away!

Monday, Jun. 11, 2007 2:30 AM

Between Hari Seldon's* axiom that, "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent," and Samuel Johnson's comment that, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel," we come to Senator Joseph Lieberman.

Who announced on Face the Nation that we should be prepared to use force against Iran, and that means dropping bombs on them. Because It's Clearly All Their Fault that Iraq hasn't turned into the paradise that neocons predicted back in 2003.

I'd like to think that even conservative voters would be more skeptical about another wagonload of bullshit about how dire the situation is, and how we absolutely have to go in guns blazing. But of course, according to Condoleezza Rice, all options are on the table. (I suspect Ms. Rice could talk herself into believing that a deuce/trey unsuited means she has a possible royal flush. Now, while that's possible if the right cards come up in the river, turn, and flop � more often than not, you're committing yourself to an expensive hand and having to fold with nothing.)

Barbara Boxer needs her ears cleaned, or her hearing checked.

"Even those of us who have been � calling for very swift removal of forces ��have always said it's not so much that we object to our being there as what the mission is," she remarked.

Um, if we don't have a mission, we don't have any business being there.

Thanks for playing. Here's your sign.

So a photo of President Bush knocking back a glass of something cold and foamy has raised questions again about whether or not the Commander-in-Chief is an alcoholic.

Photos show what appears to be a 'non-alcoholic' beverage. Unfortunately, the term doesn't mean it has no alcohol at all; it means it contains less than 0.5% alcohol.

Whether you're a teetotaler by choice, by medical necessity, or through the grace of God, if you're drinking 'near beer,' you're not sober. It's as simple as that. And when you credit God as being the motive force in your sobriety, as Mr. Bush does, well, you're not just lying to yourself.

Now, when you can't be honest and responsible on a point of personal conduct, how the hell are we to believe you're conducting national and international affairs to a higher standard?

Get some help, George.

* Hari Seldon is a character in the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov.

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