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Celebration IV

Friday, Jun. 01, 2007 10:57 AM

I spent the Memorial Day Weekend at Star Wars Celebration IV in Los Angeles, meeting new friends within the 501st Legion (as well as old friends whom I'd not met in person, only online).

And in absenting myself from the daily grind of news and politics, I'm hesitant to dive back in, though I'm sure it won't be long before someone on either side of the aisle does something so astoundingly stupid or corrupt that I have to comment. (Like the National Security Directive that turns George W. Bush into the entirety of the federal government in the case of a national emergency.)

But back to Celebration IV for the moment. I have to wonder how many times fans tripped off random NSA bots looking for 'terrorists' dumb enough to discuss their plots online, as we commonly referred to the event as, "C-4" (CIV).

Speaking of which, a bomb scare on Friday evening resulted in a partial evacuation of the Los Angeles Convention Center just as the opening ceremonies were underway. Lots of disgruntled fans being directed across the street, lots of irate drivers wondering why traffic was stopped.

It turned out that someone had left a parcel behind.

That's a better and more sensible response however, than the clerks at a Best Buy who called the cops on a man who tried to use $2 bills to pay for his purchase, and the police spokesman who chalked it up to post 9/11 nervousness.

Sorry, nobody's going to attempt to destroy Best Buy with $2 bills. (Frankly, I don't even think a dollar bill would be a reliable media for a contaminant, and a $2 bill even less so, as it would go to the bank and set aside, rather than constantly recirculated amongst the population.)

Oh, yeah. Our garrison's team took the gold medal in the stormtrooper olympics. Events included dressing a team member in their armor (Dune Sea Garrison actually beat us here at :54, while we were 1:10), a shooting gallery with Nerf pistols, several toss/throw challenges for various team members, then a Segway obstacle course for our biker scout.

Had an absolutely wonderful lunch with Bindyree and her husband at Orale! Orale! in downtown San Francisco. I've passed the place countless times before, but never eaten there until now.

The food is fantastic, and the company was doubly so.

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