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Failures of Personal Responsibility

Tuesday, May. 15, 2007 9:29 AM

Breaking News:Televangelist Jerry Falwell has died, apparently from a heart attack, after being found unconscious in his office at Liberty University. While I disagree with much of Reverend Falwell's views, my prayers and sympathy go to Falwell's family at this difficult time.

Normally, I wouldn't waste the space on Paris Hilton, but I personally think the clueless bitch should have her sentence extended (contempt of court) for asking Governor Schwarzenegger to pardon her.

Another grand prize winner in the personal responsibility sweepstakes is Paul Wolfowitz, who first complained that he was being picked on by the media. Now, he's blaming his girlfriend � the one he gave the raise and special considerations to � for the whole thing. She made him do it, apparently.

It's Armed Forces Week on Wheel of Fortune, and host Pat Sajak concluded Monday's show with a brief mention of his own service, along with a photograph.

That's right. A game show host has more military service than the Vice-President of the United States. (And, quite possibly, more than President Bush.)

Keep that in mind the next time Shotgun Dick snarls and demands another installment of blood and treasure.

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