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Rap Mogul Suggests Cleaner Lyrics

Tuesday, Apr. 24, 2007 12:13 AM

Rap music mogul Russell Simmons has suggested the recording and broadcast industry should consistently ban the words, "bitch," "ho," and "nigger" from all "clean" versions of rap songs and the airwaves.

This is in response to the firing of radio personality Don Imus for an on-air comment using one of those words.

But is Simmons' suggestion the right way to go about it? Regulation of creative content? And what does it say if songs subsequently exist in 'clean' and 'explicit' versions?

Still, it's a start.

On the other hand, New York DJ's Jeff Vandergrift and Dan Lay clearly haven't been paying attention ��they broadcast a prank call to a Chinese restaurant that includes numerous sexual references and racially-tinged humor.

Vandergrift and Lay, better known as "JV and Elvis" on WFNY, have been suspended indefinitely without pay.

Chinese community leaders are calling for an apology from CBS Radio and the DJ's, but also for both men to be fired, along with their producer.

And in the What Took So Long? Department, the Veterans' Administration has finally approved the use of the five-pointed star as religious symbol on memorial markers for fallen soldiers of the Wiccan faith.

Conservative Christians and those who pander to their fears (yes, we're talking about the annual FOX Nooz, 'War on Christmas' nonsense) will no doubt continue to whine how this is a Christian country, etc., etc., and so forth. The fact nonetheless remains that we are a nation in which people of multiple and varied faiths are able to live in relative peace.

America is greater than any single faith or one people. It's time we start to recognize that fact instead of promoting a viewpoint inconsistent with the principles upon which this nation was truly founded.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-04-24 03:17:59
.... jinx! :-)