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George W. Bush, Recipient of the Purple Heart?

Monday, Apr. 23, 2007 12:54 PM

The Bush Administration and its parade of sycophantic conservative media pundits keep telling us we're making progress in Iraq, that things are getting better, not worse.

What they haven't told you is that one of our 'solutions' is to build a wall between the Shiite and Sunni neighborhoods in Baghdad.

"Dividing up the entire city with barriers is not part of the plan," said a military spokesman.

It's become clear that when this Administration doesn't know what to do, it builds a wall. Protesters? Create a walled-off 'free speech zone.' Illegal Immigrants? Create a 300-mile wall along the U.S.�Mexico border (and forget to fund it). Violence in Iraq? Wall off the Sunnis!

Ignoring, of course, that Sunnis are both victims and perpetrators in Iraq. Dismissing, naturally, the lopsided de-Baathification laws passed in the wake of Saddam's rule to keep loyalists from taking over the government.

It's not a security zone, it's a ghetto.

Incidentally, photos show the wall to be little more than a freeway sound barrier.

Yeah, that'll work.

Update: It looks like the Iraqi government doesn't like the idea, either.

Bill Thomas, a Vietnam War veteran, will be presenting President George W. Bush with a Purple Heart.

It's one of three that Thomas was awarded from injuries sustained in combat. Thomas believes that, "emotional wounds and scars are as hard to carry as physical wounds," and � of course ��the 'verbal attacks' Mr. Bush has been subjected to during his time in office merit recognition.

I'm sorry, you don't get medals when people call you names. You don't get medals for fair criticism on the gross mismanagement of the federal disaster response to Hurricane Katrina. You certainly don't get medals for lying to justify an ill-conceived war. Nor should you get a medal for violating federal law (both FISA and the PRA, now) and ignoring the Constitution.

It should also be remembered that the Bush Administration has impugned the good name of other decorated veterans, including Senator John Kerry, former Senator Max Cleland, and Congressman John Murtha, brave men whose service on the front lines cannot be disputed.

Mr. Bush's combat service includes working on a political campaign, and walking across the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln in a flight suit.

This is like a kid declaring he's worthy of the trident worn by U.S. Navy SEALs because he's kicked ass playing SOCOM on his Playstation 2.

While Thomas' sentiment is admirable, in no way has Mr. Bush shown the courage or honor that merits the award, even at second-hand.

The Ministry has received 1 comment(s) on this topic.

Brin - 2007-04-23 19:35:59
Maybe Dubya has earned that Purple Heart due to being in close proximity to that giant plastic turkey. He could have sliced and eaten it and come to great harm!