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They Say Some Say �

Tuesday, Mar. 27, 2007 1:18 PM

If I were Katie Couric's journalism professor (assuming she even took journalism classes), I'd be turning over in my grave.

The gushing hagiography Couric did on Secretary of State Condoleezza "Scary Smart" Rice was enough to kill any sane person.

Now, Couric follows up with an unsourced hit piece disguised as an interview with former Senator John Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth.

"Some say," is not journalism, Ms. Couric. It's not even close. "Some say," is the mark of someone who can't be bothered to do research or indulge in original thinking.

"Some say," is what stellar intellects like Glenn Beck use to justify accusing Muslim senators of treason.

It doesn't belong on "60 Minutes."

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