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Live And Un-Edited

Thursday, Mar. 01, 2007 2:29 AM

So a "senior administration official" speaks to reporters aboard Air Force Two, offering comments about Vice President Dick Cheney's tour of the Middle East.

When asked about Cheney's pressuring Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to do more in terms of hunting down al-Qaeda and fighting terrorism, the anonymous official said, "I've seen some press reporting say, 'Cheney went in to beat up on them, threaten them. That's not the way I work."

Said official went on to say, "I would describe my sessions both in Pakistan and Afghanistan as very productive."

When asked about the Vice President's comments about Speaker Nancy Pelosi, this same anonymous official said, among other things, "I didn't question her patriotism."

Writer Kenneth Eng has been fired by AsianWeek.

What remains unclear is how this idiot managed to get three inflammatory columns past editorial muster in the first place.

Speaking of editorial oversight, KSFO's Melanie Morgan and her morning show colleagues decided it was time to dust off the George�Soros�Was�A�Nazi routine, and did so during their program on February 8.

On February 26, the program director for the station interrupted their broadcast to apologize for the remarks, stating that they were not accurate.


While public figures like Soros may be subject to 'fair comment,' in order for such remarks to not be regarded as slander, they must be provably true. This is something I would think Morgan and Rogers ��both broadcast veterans with many years in the business ��would know.

And speaking of idiots, we have the ever-insightful Glenn Beck talking about the racy pictures of American Idol contestant Antonella Barba ��some of which are genuine, and some of which are claimed to be fake.

So, while discussing this important topic with Dina Sansing from US Weekly, Beck explains that you don't have to be famous ��why, in the average workplace in America, someone could get a picture of you and it would be posted all around.

Remember, we're talking about photos that � at the very least ��expose portions of Barba's anatomy that aren't usually on public display anywhere, let alone the workplace.

Beck then says, "Dina, I've got some time and a camera. Why don't you stop by? No? OK."

Yup, Glenn Beck follows up his Muslim-bashing and his idiotic comments on Barack Obama not being 'black enough' ��by propositioning a female guest on air.

Perhaps you've heard of the phrase 'unwelcome advances' or 'hostile work environment,' Glenn? Oh, of course not. I'm sure sensitivity training and sexual harrassment policies are a liberal conspiracy.

Why Beck has mutliple venues to spew his idiocy, including CNN and ABC, is beyond me.

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