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Here's To The Surge!

Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2007 4:05 PM

It occurs to me that there are an assortment of drinking games predicated on the actions and words of characters in various television shows (Friends, Seinfeld, Star Trek). It's a sad comment when the President of the United States achieves the same status.

Nonetheless, we present �

The 'New Path Forward' Drinking Game

Watch the President's speech about the 'New Path Forward'.

Drink a shot of the alcoholic beverage of your choice any time President Bush says:

� losing our nerve
� break our will / resolve
� the only way to fail / lose is if we quit
� extremists are trying to kill this young democracy / destroy our way of life
� support our troops
��national security
� al-Qaeda
� Saddam Hussein
� consulted with House and Senate members

Drink two shots when he says:

� clear, hold, and build
� Iraq is ground zero in the war on terror
� withdrawal will embolden the terrorists
� withdrawal will provide the terrorists with a safe haven
� we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here
� the call of history / history calls us to
� opposition to his plan is playing partisan politics
� Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda in the same sentence

Drink three shots if he:

� says he listened to the recommendations of the generals on the ground
� invokes the Authorization for Use of Military Force
� calls himself the Commander-in-Chief
� invokes his constitutional powers / authority
� mentions turning the corner
� invokes 9/11
� talks about tough decisions and sacrifice

Help yourself to the whole bottle if he says:

� freedom is on the march
� bipartisan cooperation
� legacy
� stay the course
� adapt and win
� light at the end of the tunnel

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