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Why Are We Trusting A Man Who Didn't Plan In The First Place To Come Up With A New Plan?

Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2007 2:52 AM

A few comments ahead of President Bush's announcement of his New Plan Forward. I'll be attending Macworld on Thursday, so I may not get around to commenting on the President's speech until Friday.

But I digress.

To the Democratic Majority, stop acting like you've already lost! (I'm talking to you, Congressman Hoyer.) You're driving me nuts. If the President is wrong, say so. If you're going to block funding and deny the request for additional troops, do so.

If you're going to roll over on the floor and stick your legs in the air, just hand the gavel back to John Boehner.

Now is not the time to treat the wayward child with further demonstrations of permissiveness. Sit him down, tell him what he can and cannot do, and hold him responsible. Make answers to the questions of mission and resources mandatory; ask yourselves if this is, in fact, a mission that our armed forces can achieve or should be tasked with.

To the media, please stop repeating the mantra, 'If we withdraw, we will lose." Winning this scenario is a false dichotomy perpetuated by the Bush Administration, and like good little lap dogs, you dutifully repeat it every time it's spoken.

The critical point to remember is that the rationale for launching the war in Iraq was false. What is best for the nation is not automatically what is pleasing and beneficial to George W. Bush. By accepting the win-lose argument from the White House, you accept that this war really was about 9/11, and WMD's, and removing an al-Qaeda sanctuary.

Too complicated for you? Let's imagine that we're all bank robbers, and George W. Bush is the guy who planned the robbery. Thing is, the robbery didn't go as planned, people were killed, and the police have some solid leads.

If Bush told us, "Hey, if we all keep our heads and stick to our story, we can't lose. We'll only lose if y'all lose your nerve."

But it's not about losing one's nerve ��it's about robbing a bank and committing murder in the process.

We do ourselves and our country no justice, no credit if we refuse to accept that we made a bad decision. And the media has consistently failed to identify and discredit the faulty thinking that perpetuates the problem.

Our country's foreign policy needs to be more than MONKEYS + TIME = SHAKESPEARE.

And it's more than telling that the man who wrote a column in the Wall Street Journal exhorting Democrats 'not to play politics' ��dragged his heels for nearly a month, then launched air strikes on Somalia and whips the cover off his new plan for Iraq the moment the clock starts ticking on the new Congress.

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